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Hot and humid summer conditions are not strangers to the Michigan triathlete but there is something quite unique about racing Ironman Muncie 70.3.  Every year there is potential for unpleasant racing conditions due to the time of year it takes place. It also happens in the middle of...

Physically and fitness-wise, I continue to feel better now than in the years when I was seriously training/racing. I mentioned last week that I gave myself the freedom to follow the literal seasons here in Michigan. Now let me offer you a peek into the...

Have you ever heard the song, “We have all the time in the world?” It was sung by Louis Armstrong in the 1969 James Bond movie, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. No offense to Louis Armstrong, but I strongly disagree. The truth is, none of...

Every once in a while I'm asked to tell my Stellafly story. "How did you come up with Stellafly?" Back in the 80s and fresh out of high school, I ran with a group that my parents referred to as the "Rat Pack." Picture the kids...

Last Friday, I turned 50 years old, and the week before the Big Day I was in St. Louis, Missouri — Quincy, Missouri to be exact, for a dog show. Since people always seem curious about my dog story, I thought I would share some...

On Sunday June 5, we we observed National Cancer Survivors Day, and took some time to celebrate cancer survivors. While a pause to celebrate how far we have come in the battle against cancer is aprapos, it is also necessary to see just how far we...

There is a grief monster in our house, hiding in the closet, under the bed, in the basement, where ever there is quiet and dark and a place from which it can surprise us. I am not a super hero, or a slayer of monsters,...

Recently I attended a triathlon clinic where one of the speakers shared a favorite anecdote about how training is the Book of Matches - you add the matches to light the fire during your training, and during the event you light each match.  This resonated...