Dan Hurst Team Stellafly Cycling Lead I used to live in San Antonio back in 2004-2006, so the city has always been a draw for me. I love the culture, the history, the fact that you can’t get lost (there are 2 perfect circle highways that surround...

Terence Reuben Executive Director, MyTeam Triumph West Michigan Chapter How to change the world with one simple act of kindness each day! In 2008, a small group of individuals had this crazy idea to change the way we race by creating new experiences for individuals with disabilities. Each...

Kyle Cutler Race Director, Lake Michigan Credit Union Bridge Run There was a time when I could show up at a race and be blissfully ignorant in a porta-potty. I would show up, do my thing, run the race, grab my banana, and go home without really giving...

Ed Kornoelje DO Sports Medicine|University of Michigan Health-West I am seeing a lot of patients with VERY low ferritin lately.  If you don’t know what ferritin is or what your level should be, read on and get it checked.  I promise many of you will thank me!...

A good race experience is the best and behind the scenes, it takes a village to make the magic happen. This starts with the volunteers. Don't worry, it's not all hard work and heavy lifting. Getting involved with a race provides opportunities to meet new people...

Ed Kornoelje DO University of Michigan Health-West Even though it doesn’t look or feel like it, we will be able to spend more time training outdoors soon! I know some of you spend a lot of time outside in the winter, but even the most die-hard outdoor...

It might seem counterintuitive but doing most of your training at a really slow pace is key for performance gains. When running, that means keeping your easy days 1.5- 2 minutes slower per mile than your threshold pace (the pace you could sustain if you were to run...

Todd Buckingham, Ph.D. | Lead Exercise Physiologist, Mary Free Bed Sports Rehabilitation Breathing Before we start our discussion on breathing, I want you to take a minute and pay attention to your breathing right now. Are you breathing through your nose or your mouth? Chances are (if you’re reading this...

Todd Buckingham, Ph.D. | Lead Exercise Physiologist, Mary Free Bed Sports Rehabilitation Altitude Training With the Olympic Trials and Olympic Games just around the corner, we will undoubtedly hear about altitude training. So, before you hear commentators on NBC talking about it (oftentimes incorrectly), I wanted to let you know...