BY STELLAFLY In the fast-paced world of sports, where adrenaline fuels competition and victory is the ultimate goal, athletes often find themselves walking a tightrope between success and burnout. The relentless pursuit of perfection, coupled with the ever-mounting pressures from coaches, fans, and even themselves, can...

BY ELIZABETH 'LIZ' FANCO As you plan out your summer and fall race calendar, you’ll likely be toeing the line at a road race which has pacers. Usually distinguishable by their brightly colored shirts and their pace signs rising above the sea of runners in the...

BY DR. ED KORNOELJE, DO, SPORTS MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HEALTH - WEST Sorry for the title—I couldn’t resist!  But seriously—why do we swim, bike, and run during the event, and in the weeks and months leading up?  And what does all of that training do...

Deanna Marie Scheid | Lead Exercise, Regional Health & Wellness Specialist (Retail Dietitian), SpartanNash Pre-Exercise What you put in your gut 24-48 hours before a workout can determine performance outcomes and how you feel during and after exercise. When thinking of what to eat before a workout there are a few things to thinking about. Type, timing...

Todd Buckingham, Ph.D. | Lead Exercise Physiologist, Mary Free Bed Sports Rehabilitation Running Cadence For years, runners around the world have heard that running at 180 steps per minute (spm) is the ideal running cadence. This came from the legendary run coach, Jack Daniels (no, not that Jack Daniels…cue drinking...

Todd Buckingham, Ph.D. | Lead Exercise Physiologist, Mary Free Bed Sports Rehabilitation Strength training and injury prevention I’ve received some great feedback on my last two blog posts about strength training for endurance athletes. And I just so happened to be chatting with a friend last week and he said...

Todd Buckingham, Ph.D. | Lead Exercise Physiologist, Mary Free Bed Sports Rehabilitation Strength training for endurance athletes In my last blog post I talked about lifting weights and running. Specifically, should I run and then lift weights, or should I lift weights and then run? As a reminder, if your...

Todd Buckingham, Ph.D. | Lead Exercise Physiologist, Mary Free Bed Sports Rehabilitation Should I run then lift weights or lift weights then run?  This is such a great question and one that I get all the time. Both from runners and strength athletes. The answer is a bit more nuanced...

Todd Buckingham, Ph.D. | Lead Exercise Physiologist, Mary Free Bed Sports Rehabilitation Would you rather be a Ferrari or a Prius? If you’re an endurance athlete, your answer had better be “Prius”. Why? I’m glad you asked! The Prius gets much better gas mileage than a Ferrari. As endurance...

Todd Buckingham, Ph.D. | Lead Exercise Physiologist, Mary Free Bed Sports Rehabilitation     Working out more is always on the top of people’s New Year Resolutions, but what can you do to help follow through on those goals? I recently had the opportunity to talk to Stellafly’s own, Shelley Irwin...